Survey on Credit Mobilized for the SDGs by Arab Banks logo
Credit Mobilized for the SDGs
Thank you for participating in the Survey on Credit Mobilized for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by Arab Banks, conducted by the Union of Arab Banks.

This survey falls within the scope of the commitment by the Union of Arab Banks to work with Arab financial institutions to mobilize a target of 1 trillion United States dollars in SDG financing by 2030, which was announced at the SDG Summit on 18 September 2023.

Please note that all information and data gathered through this survey will be kept strictly confidential. Your responses will be used exclusively to generate aggregate data and statistics. Only aggregate data and statistics will be cited or published.

Survey results will undergo analysis by the Union of Arab Banks in partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).

For questions, please contact the Union of Arab Banks via email at


Name of bank *
Main country where bank operates *
Name of respondent *
Job title of respondent *
E-mail of respondent *
Telephone of respondent *
Ownership structure (select controlling majority) *
Bank Type (select most applicable option) *


Total loan portfolio

1. Outstanding loan portfolio for fiscal years (FYs) 2021 and 2022 (in local currency) *
For purposes of this survey, please utilize the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) employed by your institution. In case no specific definition is in place, an indicative definition of MSME would include enterprises employing fewer than 250 employees.
FY 2024
a. Government and State-owned enterprise loans
b. Corporate loans (resident)
c. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) loans


Loan portfolio linked to sustainability purposes

To assist us evaluating the region’s loan portfolio in alignment with the SDGs, kindly include the total loan value associated with each sustainability purpose in the tables below.

  • Question 2 pertains to loans extended to the Government and State-owned enterprises.
  • Question 3 pertains to loans extended to resident corporates.
  • Question 4 pertains to loans extended to resident MSMEs.

If a loan aligns with multiple sustainability purposes, please allocate it to the primary purpose. The relevant SDG mentioned alongside each sustainability purpose is merely indicative.

2. Government and State-owned enterprise loans: Outstanding portfolio by sustainability purpose (in local currency) *
FY 2024
a. Poverty eradication and social protection (SDG 1)
b. Sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition (SDG 2)
c. Health and well-being (SDG 3)
d. Education (SDG 4)
e. Women’s empowerment and gender equality (SDG 5)
f. Water and sanitation (SDG 6)
g. Renewable energy and energy efficiency (SDG 7)
h. Sustainable tourism (SDG 8)
i. Sustainable industry (SDG 9)
j. Digital transformation (SDG 9)
k. Sustainable transport (SDGs 9 and 11)
l. Sustainable housing and communities (SDG 11)
m. Waste management (SDG 12)
n. Ecosystems and biodiversity (SDGs 14 and 15)
o. Peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16)
p. Other (please specify)


Loan portfolio linked to sustainability purposes

3. Corporate loans (resident): Outstanding portfolio by sustainability purpose (in local currency) *
FY 2024
a. Sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition (SDG 2)
b. Health and well-being (SDG 3)
c. Education (SDG 4)
d. Women’s empowerment and gender equality (SDG 5)
e. Water and sanitation (SDG 6)
f. Renewable energy and energy efficiency (SDG 7)
g. Sustainable tourism (SDG 8)
h. Sustainable industry (SDG 9)
i. Digital transformation (SDG 9)
j. Sustainable transport (SDGs 9 and 11)
k. Sustainable housing (SDG 11)
l. Waste management (SDG 12)
m. Environment and biodiversity (SDGs 14 and 15)
n. Other (please specify)


Loan portfolio linked to sustainability purposes

4. MSME loans (resident): Outstanding portfolio by sustainability purpose (in local currency) *
FY 2024
a. Sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition (SDG 2)
b. Health and well-being (SDG 3)
c. Education (SDG 4)
d. Women’s empowerment and gender equality (SDG 5)
e. Water and sanitation (SDG 6)
f. Renewable energy and energy efficiency (SDG 7)
g. Sustainable tourism (SDG 8)
h. Sustainable industry (SDG 9)
i. Digital transformation (SDG 9)
j. Sustainable transport (SDGs 9 and 11)
k. Housing (SDG 11)
l. Waste management (SDG 12)
m. Environment and biodiversity (SDGs 14 and 15)
n. Other (please specify)
5. Does your bank have a separate unit managing the bank relation with MSMEs? *


Climate finance

6. Outstanding loan portfolio targeting climate finance (in local currency) *
Climate finance refers to financing that seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions that will address climate change.
FY 2024
a. Climate finance loans


Financial inclusion: Gender

7. Outstanding resident MSME loan portfolio by gender of recipient (in local currency) *
FY 2024
a. Loans to women
b. Loans to men
8. Does your bank have programmes targeting women-owned businesses? *


Financial inclusion: Youth

9. Outstanding resident MSME loan portfolio by age of recipient (in local currency) *
In responding to this question, please apply the definition of youth used by your institution.
FY 2024
a. Loans to youth
10. Does your bank have programmes targeting businesses owned by youth? *



11. Do any of the following types of institutions facilitate the extension of sustainability-linked loans by your bank
(for example, through guarantees or co-financing)?
(select all that apply) *
12. Please indicate the importance of Government programmes in your bank’s decision to lend to MSMEs *
Government programme Not important Slightly important Important Fairly important Very important Government programme does not exist
Subsidized lending
Lower reserve requirements
Other (please specify)


13. Does your bank offer any of the following sustainable financial products or services? *